Support And Maintenance

At Strategic Software Solutions, we place great store by the long-standing relationships we have with our clients and are committed to continuing to work closely with them and to actively support them once their systems go live.

We operate a professional, three-tier Helpdesk service, supported by our workflow system

Every incident is given a unique reference number and a mutually agreed response priority level, which drives our coordinated actions to achieve a resolution and management oversight

Tier 1 is the logging and initial analysis of the incident. If it can be resolved at this stage, for instance a “how-to” type question, it will be.

For more challenging incidents, they pass to Tier 2 where thorough diagnostic analysis is carried out, with a view to being able to recreate the issue, leading to either resolution or passing on to Tier 3.

Tier 3 is where our developers get involved in providing software-based fixes, be that in the form of computer scripts to correct data or updated system software.

Of course, where scripts or updated system software are involved, we also employ rigorous testing methods to ensure that the updates are effective.

No incidents is closed until a satisfactory resolution is confirmed by our client, ensuring that we maintain the highest levels of satisfaction on an on-going basis.

If this level of maturity of operation sounds like the kind of support your organisation requires, we’d be delighted to talk to you in more detail about it – please contact us.

Strategic | Support | Maintenance | Review